Tuesday, March 11, 2025


 Today in our production we had countless retakes. Out of all the filming days this was our most challenging because of our microphones. For some reason we dealt with a problem during our phone call scene. Every time I would answer the phone my voice would echo and to be honest it just ruined the way the scene sounded. After about 30 minutes of troubleshooting we finally fixed the issue and could move on.

The image above is the scene that took us the most time to perfect. We wanted to make the kill scene subtle so we decided to reveal it through the shadows. At first I thought it would be annoying to try and get the perfect shot for every one of our scenes, but the more days me and my group work together I find myself being excited to film.

Even though we filmed the kill shot our filming is still not over we still have to include our newspaper scene which subtly hints at the possibility of 2 killers.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

Production day 1

 The first day of production went better than I thought and it makes me excited to think about what the end product will look like. Our filming process couldn't have gone smoother if we wanted it to. Julio brought microphones with him which greatly improved our audio for filming. for some reason the microphones didn't have any clips and they were struggling to stay on so we had to tape them to each other for them to stay.

I can't lie since this was my first time filming something in a crowded area I felt a little nervous because everyone would walk by and look at us. After a couple of practice shots and just focusing on the scenes I found it to be fun and enjoying. Our film needs to be no more than 2 minutes and on our first night of filming we have roughly 45 seconds of film.

The next 2-3 days in a row we will be filming and finishing up so we can start the editing process. Tonight took us about an hour and a half for how much we filmed which may seem like a lot but we wanted to make sure our shots are perfect. By the end of the night I wanted to keep filing but everything in town center was starting to close so that was our queue to leave. Overall I think the first night was a success and I'm excited to get back to filming tomorrow


 Today in our production we had countless retakes. Out of all the filming days this was our most challenging because of our microphones. For...