Today in class our teacher put us in random groups to discuss ideas for everyone's film opening. I was paired with 4 other students who's names are Chandni, Fernanda, Nicholas, and Nina. All 4 of them had really good ideas and I'm excited to see how there films turn out.
In our groups we went around and talked about our film idea and then the other group members would ask questions and give recommendations to help with the films. All my group members had good ideas for there film opening. Nico and Nina's film ideas were the ones who stuck out the most to me. Nico was going for something that is inspired by the film smile and Nina wanted to go for more of a breaking bad kind of film.
The purpose of these groups were so all of us students could come together and help with ideas and recommendations for each others film. the ideas that Nina and Fernanda especially stood out to me. since some of my filming involves me being at a movie theatre Nina told me to do an establishing shot of the amc logo to establish the setting. For the ending of my opening I wanted to include a newspaper that shows there are 2 serial killers at large and Fernanda told me I should film a kid on a bike throwing the newspaper instead of just zooming in on it from a black screen. I really do like this idea however I don't think it will be able to fit in my 2 minute opening.
overall I really liked the idea of discussing with my classmates because I get a sense of what everyone around me is doing and at the same time can have them help me or I help with ideas for our films.
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