We decided to do our blog posts during the week and Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights will be when we film. Here is the schedule we have laid out for ourselves:
Week Three (2/10-2/16)
Blog posts
- Four postings
- Reflection post about group meeting #1 (if you are not in class, create a research post of your choice)
- Research post about one media theory that you wish to integrate into your project
- Post summarizing your project idea
- Post including your script or storyboard
- No filming will be done since we both have sporting events this weekend
Week Four (2/17-2/23)
Blog Posts
- four postings
- planning post focusing on character development
- planning post focusing on mise-en-scene element (costume, set, props, lighting, etc.)
- planning post focusing on mise-en-scene element (costume, set, props, lighting, etc.)
- Planning post focusing on audio
- This weekend we can only film Saturday night because I have a tournament in fort Myers all weekend
Week Five (2/24-3/2)
Blog Posts
- Four postings
- Planning post of your choice (see blog list)
- Production post of your choice (should illustrate production process)
- Production post of your choice (should illustrate production process)
- Production post of your choice (should illustrate production process)
- By this time all our props and equipment will be ready. Me and Julio are now free to film every night of the weekend
Week Six (3/3-3/9)
Blog Posts
- Four postings
- Production post of your choice (should illustrate production process)
- Post-production process post
- Post-production process post
- Research for #1 question of CCR post
- By this weekend we will have the majority of the opening finished and try to polish and mistakes made while filming
Week Seven (3/10-3/16)
Blog Posts
- Four postings
- Research for #2 question of CCR post
- Research for #3 question of CCR post
- Research for #4 question of CCR post
- Post discussing CCR production ideas
- Now that we are done filming we don't have to worry about the weekend because all that's left is editing. We can work on this during the week together in class.
Week Eight (3/17-3/25)
Blog Posts
- Four postings
- Post about production of CCRs
- Post about post-production of CCRs
- Post with final reflection on project
- Post with links to CCR’s and film opening
- Finish up the editing together over video calls and we are done with the project
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